Categories: Projects

Raspberry Pi Wifi Hotspot Router File Share Media Server

How to create a wifi hotspot / router to share your media and files. This is a localized hotspot where everyone can connect to and upload or download file to the Raspberry Pi 2, or even watch media using plex. thanks for the view!

The Steps

Install iw to check wifi dongle

sudo apt-get install iw sudo iw list

Remove WPA Supplicant

sudo apt-get purge wpasupplicant

install dhcp server

sudo apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

setup dhcp

subnet netmask {
option domain-name-servers;
option routers;
interface wlan0;

install hostapd for hosting access point

sudo apt-get install hostapd

configure hostapd

to create/edit hostapd.conf

 nano /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

add these lines to hostapd.conf file

wpa_pairwise=TKIP CCMP

to Test:
*remember to reboot before attempting these steps*

sudo ifconfig wlan0
sudo /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart

-d is for debug mode so you can see if any errors appear
sudo hostapd -d /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

to make persistent
nano /etc/network/interfaces

add or eidt these following line
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet static

nano /etc/rc.local

add these lines

hostapd -B /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

add this line to sysctl.conf
nano /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

novaspirit: Avid Thinker, Computer Programmer, Web evangelist, Hacking / Breaking expert, Problem Solver, Technology Obsessed, Gamer, 3D printing, Coffee lover!

View Comments (13)

  • I've tried a lot of ways to do this and yours is the only one that works.
    Well done! . . . . one thing, to complete/improve your command list you might want to add "sudo nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf" before your "setup dhcp" step.

  • Will this work with raspberry pi 3b? If not please make a video and a page like this on how to.
    I also want to know if pi3b will use a wifi dongle if its attatched, I cant find answers on the web and looking at my pi3b i cant tell if it is or isnt but I am still learning, please help.

  • For raspberry pi 3 b onboard wifi just put # infront of driver option. It will work. I'm trying to test tor on it as well but not getting far at all.

  • Im trying to forward the internet from another usb wifi dongle but i am not able to forward the internet, But the stuff locally available in the pi is accessible but not able to use the internet

  • I think there is an error in the forwarding (last line). It should say:
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    instead of :
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0

  • Hi,
    very good Tutorial. Roee Schmidt is right, it has to be
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
    And you missed a few sudo's. BTW you could use
    sudo -i
    at first

  • Your video is great but the problem is very hard to see when you pause the video some time the control bar is blocking what you type and very hard to read on a mobile device, there typo in your direction as well. Otherwise your doing an great job

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