This is a quick little walk through what I have been doing to my raspberry pi laptop, using conky to display my computer stats, and wbar for doc, also increased the ram by using zram which compresses memory, many devices like chrome os and androids use this same method. thanks for the view!

Equipment List

Raspberry Pi 3 ► Amazon | Ebay

Software List

Raspbian Pixel ►

Script to enable zRam for Raspberry Pi

I have created a script to enable zram on raspberry pi and will calculate the optimal amount for your raspberry pi. While it is possible to modify the script to increase the amount of ram being compressed, I would not suggest it as it will take more CPU cycles thus slowing the performance.

Download the script and copy to /usr/bin/ folder

$ sudo wget -O /usr/bin/

once the script is downloaded we will need to change the permissions so it can be an executable

$ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/

edit /etc/rc.local file to run script on boot

$ sudo nano /etc/rc.local

add line before exit 0

$ /usr/bin/ &