Raspberry Pi Zero USB Startpage

Many have asked about the start page I use for my Raspberry Pi Zero USB Dongle project so i have…


Updated Novaspirit Website

Finally gave my website a face lift and updated the theme. my old theme was so dated I don't even…


Installing Mac OS on PC

Finally installed mac os yosemite on my pc AMD! come check out the video


started a vlogging / game channel!

come check out my new channel. it's mostly vlogging and games i play with other people https://www.youtube.com/c/novaspirittv


Ubuntu Bash for Windows 10 dbus error fix

so if you are getting a dbus (failed to connect to the D-BUS- session bus: did not receive a reply)…


Native Ubuntu on Windows 10

Very Excited! Microsoft has introduced Ubuntu linux on windows 10 natively. SO.. this is a quick how to on getting…
