Peakago Linux Screen Rotation Fix
Even though this title suggest it's for peakago linux, it's main focus is about how to configure the iio sensor for the correct screen rotation. Software: ubuntu Peakago Windows 10 drivers (drivers)Gathering Information: First thing we need to do is gather the...
Install DaVinci Resolve 16 on PopOS or Ubuntu
This post will be a quick and dirty how to for installing DaVinci Resolve 16 on popos or ubuntu 19.10. I finally found the missing component that is required to make this work and I wanted to write it down before I forget LOL Software: DaVinci Resolve 16...
How to install Doom 3 on Raspberry Pi 4
Raspberry Pi 4 is an amazing hardware, and now being able to play some great titles like Doom 3 makes it even cooler!! this is a tutorial on how to install Doom 3 on raspberry pi 4!! Thanks for the view! Equipment List Raspberry Pi 4 ► Amazon | Ebay Software List Full...
How to run x86 on arm
This is a guide on how to run x86 on ARM including wine! I have put a lot of time and effort into creating this guide along with breaking down a few older tutorials to give you guys a up to date guide on running x86 on arm (i.e raspberry pi or tinkerboard). Hope you...
Raspberry Pi Controlled K40 Laser Cutter
This is a how to guide on using your raspberry pi to control your K40 40w laser cutter using the software called K40 Whisperer. It's open source and completely free! best all it works perfectly fine on the raspberry pi so no need for a heavy duty computer. thanks for...
Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi 3B+ with Monitor Mode
The unofficial raspberry pi kali linux install. We are going to be using a unoffical image from re4son which was created specifically for the raspberry pi! This version also includes the nexmon patch for wifi monitoring mode!! Equipment List Raspberry Pi 3B+ ► Amazon...
Android Auto on Raspberry Pi
Recently my news feeds been filling up with android auto on raspberry pi, so i decided to investigate and attempt to install it on my raspberry pi. i have also made a install script that will help you guys with installing android auto as well. thanks for the view!!...
ARM CPU Miners Source Code List
I am constantly looking at old notes to find where cpu miner sources are that I can use for ARM devices, here is a list I put together of the miners and the supported algorithms. I will try to keep to list as updated at possible. You can follow my raspberry pi guide...
Raspberry Pi OwnCloud Install with Diet Pi
Raspberry Pi Owncloud Installation using Diet Pi image and WD Red 1TB Storage drives. Your cloud, your data, your way! Equipment List Raspberry Pi 3 ► Amazon | Ebay Western Digital Red 1TB ► Amazon Software List Diet Pi ► Etcher ►...
External GPU on Laptop or Net Top aka EGPU
Setting up External GPU on your laptop or net top!! this video was suppose to be very straight forward but instead my laptop decided to throw me a curve ball and spend 6+ hrs trying to figure out. eventually i gave up on the laptop and settled for a old intel atom net...